Winter Driveway Maintenance

Winter is here, so that means it's time for some driveway maintenance. There are many ways you can prep before the snow arrives to keep you and your driveway protected from the cold. Here are some tips to help you this winter season.

House covered in snow

Deep Clean

The first step that should be taken before the cold weather and snow hit is to deep clean your driveway. Pick up any fallen branches and sweep away the leftover debris. Anything that may be left over can be cleared up using a pressure washer. It will loosen up any weeds/dirt, as well as remove stains that may be on your driveway. If any stains remain, there are other solutions, like a chemical wash or hiring a professional to get them removed.

Look For Damages

Cracks that are in your driveway will make the concrete much more susceptible to water damage in the winter months. Whether there is rain water or water from the melting snow, cracks will make it easier for the water to penetrate through them. When the temperatures in winter fall below freezing, the water that has fallen through the cracks will freeze and expand putting pressure on the concrete causing more damage. It can lead the driveway to shift and crack. Taking care of any cracks or damage that is already present before the winter hits can help to prevent more damage when springtime comes. 

Person shoveling snow


If your driveway has tiny cracks and holes that you are looking to fill, driveway sealant can provide a quick and easy protective coat for those spots. Sealing your driveway should occur every two to three years in order to keep a protectant on the concrete to prevent further damage. 


When a driveway isn’t leveled, it will have sunken depressions and cause water pooling. If the water is unable to drain off the surface, it will cause standing water to occur. This can cause more damage to the concrete as well as make it a safety hazard. Ice patches are the last thing you want covering your driveway in the winter.

Winter Equipment

It is important to be prepared when the snowstorms hit. Go to the store and get equipment, such as shovels, salt, winter clothing, etc. These will make the process safer and more efficient when clearing your driveway. Make the process easier while also preventing future damages. 

Prevent the dangerous conditions that winter brings by using these driveway maintenance tips. Here at Level Best LLC, we are here to help ensure your driveway is safe for you. Check out our website today to learn more about the leveling services we have to offer. Don’t let the cold keep you from protecting your driveway!