Trip Hazards

Everyone has them somewhere on or near their property, everyone sees them (even if they are sometimes well hidden), but no one wants to fall victim to them! Slips and falls are not limited to the freshly mopped floor at the store or the extension cord that was not properly covered. One of the stealthiest trip hazards can be found in your own front yard! 

Unlevel concrete

How many times have you been on a stroll through your neighborhood with the kids, dog, or your partner, and someone either stubs their toes or trips on a slab of uneven concrete? Not only is it embarrassing, but it can also be extremely painful! While most times you may be able to laugh it off and keep on, it does not always end that way. What if it is more than a stubbed toe, like a skinned knee or a broken bone? What if this happens to someone on YOUR property? This can be a sobering experience for everyone involved. So how exactly do you get rid of those trip hazards on your property and avoid injury and liability?

First thing you should do if you notice one of these “red flags”, is post your own red flag! Make sure that you let passersby know that there is a danger ahead so that everyone can avoid any injury.  Depending on where the hazard is, you may want to inspect the surrounding area for any other similar issues. Oftentimes if concrete is uneven from a tree root or shifting, the damage has probably spread. Once you have figured out all of the areas that are a potential threat, then it is time to get to work!

Before and after of level concrete with tape measurer

While uneven concrete may not seem like the most important thing on your “spring cleaning” list, it truly is an issue that needs to be addressed in order to avoid further damage (and liability). Make sure you take care of these issues sooner rather than later so that not only can you enjoy your spring and summer (knowing that your concrete looks great), but you can also rest easy knowing that there will not be any injury on or to your property because of those trip hazards! If you find that you have a few of these that popped up over the winter, give Level Best, LLC a call for a free quote. We would be happy to help you get your concrete safe and level in no time for the warmer weather!