Spring Chalk Art Ideas for your Sidewalk

The winter season is almost over, which means the snow is gone and the pavement is showing again! Don’t leave the ground dark, dull, and boring. Instead, brighten up your pavement this spring using chalk! There are so many different designs and things you could do to make it pop.

Heart Drawn with chalk in sidewalk

Why Chalk Art?

Not only is chalk art a great way to get your kids out of the house and off of electronics when the weather is warm, but it is also a way to impress the people passing by while adding a beautiful element of temporary art to your home's exterior. Especially with the spring season being associated with bright colors, flower blooming, color coming back that died over winter, etc., your sidewalks can match all the colors and bright blooming that is happening around them. Brighten up your sidewalks this season… you won’t regret it!

Chalk houses on concrete

Chalk Designs

Drawing with chalk is a great way to let your creativity flow. Don’t find yourself getting stuck doing one thing when there is such a wide variety of designs and things you can do when drawing with chalk. If you’re feeling like you are in a creative slump then here are just a few ideas of things you could do.

Chalk on concrete saying #love one another
  • Chalk Town: With spring comes nicer weather, which means more outdoor activities. Drawing a chalk town could be a great activity for those looking to do something artistic with the nice weather. A chalk town could be larger or small and incorporate little toy cars, scooters, and bikes. Roads and buildings can be made, as well as ponds and bridges. There are so many different things you can do with this chalk design.

  • Special Messages: If you want people walking by to read a message, whether it is inspirational, funny, or just fitting to the season, you can do it! You can write out quotes or jokes to make other people's days when they walk by. This could also be a benefit to yourself that makes you feel better each time you see it! The colors you make the quote can even be matched up to the aesthetic of your exterior. 

  • Holiday Drawings: Specifically in the springtime, you can do chalk drawings related to Easter or any other spring holiday you may be celebrating. You can make it clear by using the chalk to write out “Happy Easter” surrounded by drawings, or even just have rabbits or dyed eggs drawn on the sidewalk. There are many other holidays throughout the year where the snow isn’t covering your pavement that you could do this for, as well!

Remember, you can’t start decorating your sidewalk before you know it’s safe! Here at Level Best, we want to make sure your pavement is catching people's eyes— not their toes. Check out our website today to see the services we have to offer! Spring up and make this season stand out!