Look for These Warning Signs to Get Ahead of Uneven Concrete

Uneven concrete is a common problem that can cause a range of issues, from tripping hazards to structural damage. To keep your property in good condition and avoid costly repairs, it's important to be proactive in identifying signs of uneven concrete. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at some of the warning signs to watch for, so you can take action before the problem worsens. Whether you're a homeowner or a property manager, this information will help you stay ahead of the curve and keep your concrete surfaces looking great for years to come.


Visible cracks in the concrete surface are a clear sign that the foundation is shifting or settling unevenly. This is because concrete is a brittle material and it can only tolerate a limited amount of stress or pressure. When the foundation underneath the concrete begins to shift or settle, the weight of the concrete above can cause it to crack. These cracks can range in size from hairline cracks to large, noticeable cracks that run through the entire surface.

In addition to being a visual warning sign, cracks in the concrete surface can also be an indicator of more serious structural problems. For example, if the foundation is shifting, it can cause damage to other parts of the building, such as walls and ceilings. Cracks in the concrete can also allow water to penetrate, leading to further damage and potential safety hazards. To prevent these problems from becoming more serious, it's important to address cracks in the concrete surface as soon as possible by having the foundation inspected and, if necessary, having the concrete leveled.

Uneven Surface

Another sign to take seriously when it comes to your home’s concrete is a surface that slopes towards one direction, or that has areas that are lower or higher than the surrounding concrete. This can occur when the soil beneath the concrete is not stable, causing the concrete to sink or rise in certain areas. As a result, the surface of the concrete will become uneven and slope in one direction or have low or high spots.

An uneven concrete surface can create a tripping hazard and make it difficult to walk, drive, or park vehicles on the surface. 

Water Pooling

Pooling water or puddles that form on the concrete surface, especially after rainfall, could indicate that the surface is sloping in that direction. 

Door and Window Misalignment

If doors or windows become difficult to open or close, or if they are misaligned, it may be a sign that the foundation is settling unevenly.

Interior Floor Cracks

Cracks in interior flooring, such as tiles or hardwood floors, can be caused by the underlying concrete shifting or settling unevenly. These cracks can range from hairline fractures to large cracks that run through the entire floor. In addition to being unsightly, interior floor cracks can also weaken the structure of the floor and lead to further problems in the future. For example, water can penetrate the cracks and cause damage to the flooring or even the underlying structure of the building. If you notice these signs, it's important to have your concrete inspected as soon as possible to avoid further damage and potential safety hazards.

Level Best is Here for All of Your Concrete Leveling Needs

Considering concrete leveling for your home or business? At Level Best, we proudly offer high-quality residential and commercial concrete leveling solutions. Our services include leveling for driveways, sidewalks, patios, steps, slab floors, pool decks, and more. Contact us today to schedule a free estimate for your leveling project.